We’ve changed the game when it comes to taking a bike out for demo ride. With passionate Zerode owners (both long time owners and new owners) all around the world, we’re building a cool community of riders who are more than happy to meet up, let you take their Katipo or Taniwha Mullet for a spin...
Zerode World is an interactive map where you can find Zerode owners near to you and either view or even have a ride on their Zerode. We are very proud of our community for this. See if some one is near you! This is a great way to meet and talk to someone who has had the pleasure of riding one of our bikes for a period of time.
We have a number of demo bikes floating around our headquarters in Wellington, New Zealand. If you are in town please get in contact and swing by! We can give you a bike to ride, show you where the magic happens as well as show you how to get the most from your Zerode
We also have an XL katipo and a Medium Taniwha available for demo in our spiritual homeland - Rotorua . The esteemed Marty London runs this fleet please touch base with him directly if you are keen - hmlondon@outlook.com or hit the button below. Please note these are usually only available on weekends and public holidays as Marty has a day job during the week